What's trending?
Keeping up with the Kardashians - I mean careers...
The labour market is constantly changing and growing. While many new jobs will be created every year, many more existing jobs will also be affected by changing technologies, new products and techniques, foreign trade, changing consumer preferences, and other factors such as our current COVID-19 global pandemic.
Almost everyone will be affected by these changes, and it is clear that some occupations will do better than others. Few jobs will remain the same, and many people will need to upgrade their skills, change jobs, or even change careers. It is important to stay up to date with career trends while you decide what career to pursue.

When considering pursuing a specific career, always ask yourself if this specific career is relevant, relatable and have I done my research?
Relevant: Is this career-relevant for the next 10-20 years?
Relatable: Does this career relate to your personality, interest and aptitude.
Research: Have you done your research? Do you know where to study, how much tuition would cost, potential employers post-graduation etc.
We are constantly researching new careers in order to let you know what's trending right now! We could not possibly include ALL the trending careers but here are some which are relevant to the South African context and student.