It is generally accepted that a child begins formal schooling in primary school, then enters high school and once they have their matric (come hell or high water), they will pursue further education and obtain a diploma or degree at a university or technical institution.
Contrary to popular belief, this is not the only pathway to success! There are many different pathways you can consider that best suit your personality, the way you learn and other educational/career needs you may have.
If you just clawed your way through grade 9 or exited school in grade 12 - know that you both have career options and a future!
In order to consider another pathway, it is crucial that you understand South Africa's NQF system...so keep scrolling below to better understand our education system and to begin dreaming of a new future.
After matric (and even grade 9) you have a number of pathways towards higher NQF qualifications.
Includes a wide variety of skills and careers, from art, education, finance, hospitality and marketing to engineering, public health and management. Qualifications can be obtained from TVET colleges.
General or Academic Pathway
Includes studies in humanities, commerce, engineering and science and education at public or private universities.
Professional Pathway
Would be where the student prepares for accreditation, such as in the medical field, law and chartered accountancy at public or private universities.
Below is a diagram of the NQF ladder that shows the levels which different qualifications fall into. Take note of the qualification equivalents. By understanding the NQF ladder, you will be able to move in any direction within the ladder as long as you meet the necessary requirements for the profession you would like to pursue. So whether you only finished grade 9, don't like textbook learning or you just fell short for the entry requirements for University; know that you still have other career paths that you can follow towards higher education and learning!


descriptions provided by careerhelp.org
Foreign qualifications from New South Wales schools and the United Kingdom.
Refers to the Senior Certificate which is the name of the qualification learners obtained after completing Grade 12 before 2008.
A new and vocationally-oriented qualification offered at TVET Colleges since January 2007. It is offered at Levels 2, 3 and 4 of the National Qualifications Framework which are equivalent to Grades 10, 11 and 12.
A qualification whose academic emphasis is placed on a more practical approach to learning. It is on level 6 of the NQF.
A one year qualification completed after a bachelor's degree. It is on NQF level 8 and focuses on one area of study.
A qualification on NQF level 10 which is the highest qualification a student can obtain in a given field.
Stands for the National Senior Certificate which is the qualification one obtains after completing Grade 12.
Are Nated qualifications that can be obtained from TVET colleges. They range from N1 - N6. Completing an N6 qualification and doing 18 - 24 months practical training can help a student to acquire a National N Diploma which is on NQF level 6.
1 year qualification on level 5 of the NQF which can allow students to articulate (be considered) for a diploma or bachelor's degree.
The emphasis is on an academic approach to a specified field of study or profession. It is on level 7 (if it is a three year qualification) or 8 (if it is a four year qualification) of the NQF.
A qualification on NQF level 9 with a research component.
Bridging the gaps
You should definitely consider TVET colleges as they offer multiple options for a wide group of people seeking education or further training who may feel like they don't have many options. You should explore the career pathway if you identify with one of the following:
Teenagers who left school after completing grade 9 and who would like to complete grades 10, 11 and 12;
Students who have passed matric and now want to learn a trade;
University post-graduate students who want to obtain practical experience;
Adults who, for whatever reason, were not able to complete their schooling, or who want to further their education and skills set
If the goal is to accumulate enough credits to go on to apply to a university to pursue a Bachelor's degree, honours, master's or doctorate, thorough research must be done as it might not be possible to take this route for every single occupation.